Have you just spent the past week in meetings that are awful? If you answer yes, then you are with the 50% of people who say just that! 

I can recall all too many meetings I have or my teams have attended only to feel frustrated, annoyed, and our time has been wasted. After all we really want productive, efficient, and effective meetings that will leave you feeling with a sense of accomplished instead of like you wasted your time.

The key to productive meetings:

  1. Meetings must have a purpose and agenda
  2. Invite the right people; doers, decision makers & those impacted
  3. Have a meeting leader and timed agenda
  4. Close with actions and circulate/store minutes

Minute-it software is the simple yet powerful way to run your meetings. Minute-it provides the framework and tools to manage meetings more effectively and focus on outcomes. Find out more at Minute-it